Boasting a Victorian esthetic, the game follows the two unlikely protagonists as they explore a mansion that belongs to a mysterious family that has recently lost one of its members. The other free game is Tandem: A Tale of Shadows, a puzzle-platformer starring a young girl and a sentient teddy bear. While this decision dilutes the scares a bit, the campaign is nevertheless packed with intense encounters that will send a shiver down the spine of most players. The Evil Within 2 is also open-world, although players are guided somewhat down a specific path.
For one, the game has a more open-level design as players are dropped into a reasonably big town that they are free to explore to an extent. Although the first has its fans, the 2017 entry is generally regarded as superior, and there are a few reasons behind its success. After handing out its predecessor, Epic has opted to follow suit by doing the same for The Evil Within 2, Tango Gameworks' well-regarded sequel.
For the days surrounding Halloween, the Epic Games Store is leaning into horror for its free giveaways.